temple glo

Simply here to help your body glow inside and out.

Bridging the gap between spas and those seeking an at-home, self-care, luxury, and relaxing lifestyle is all about creating a seamless experience and helping people bring those essence into their daily lives.
Group 15

About US

In 2013, Sheena who is the founder of Temple Glo used to be a serial multi level marketer distributor for a health and beauty company. Sheena moved to a new state in 2016 and took a break from that company.

A year later she joined that company again, only to resign for good in 2018. Sheena wanted to focus and build her own health and beauty, self-care brand. She then opened up her own body sculpting business named, Temple Glo.

Offering various services from teeth whitening, fresh juices, and a variety of detox services. Temple Glo has since rebranded and is now offering a luxurious, self-care line for you. For him. For her.



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